#15 Bitesize your planning for 2021

PeopleTalk Podcast - A podcast by Chris, Paul & Rachel chat about People (HR, L&D, Career Coaching & Recruitment)


With 2020 coming to an end...a year we will not forget for the wrong reasons!!! It's that time of year where we sit and contemplate what next for the year ahead, whether that be for us as individuals, our businesses or through supporting our clients with their thinking.This week we talk through a few of the areas we feel need focus for 2021 in the World's of HR, L&D and Recruitment. The word 'bitesized' came up a lot for us during the chat and we feel gives a good start for 2021 planning...bitesized planning to allow flexibility and agility as needed, bitesized content for training, bitesized review processes for better engagement for remote teams...the list went onEnjoy our final chat for 2020 and we look forward to bringing you new and improved version of us for 2021 as we PLAN for what's coming!! Some amazing guests lined up and a full diary of content planned and as always please connect and reach out if you'd like to see any topics covered or want to come join the chat as a guest!