Ep. 236: Buy One, Get One at B&H?...I Don't Think So! - and more

Lens Shark Photography Podcast - A podcast by Sharky James


Episode 236 of the PetaPixel Photography Podcast.
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Featured: Photographer and educator, Zach Sutton

In This Episode

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Show Opener:
Photographer and educator, Zach Sutton opens the show. Thanks Zach!

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- LensShark.com/deals

Some photographers bought one Sony a7R III, but received two. (#)

Apple names Aurora HDR 2018 it's Mac App of the Year. (#)

An artist in Canada makes a potentially costly misjudgment in an art installation. (#)

Nikon wants to service your vintage gear. (#)

Lytro drives another nail into the light field photo sharing coffin. (#)


My other podcast with Brian Matiash, the No Name Photo Show.

Connect With Us

Thank you for listening to the PetaPixel Photography Podcast! Connect with me, Sharky James on TwitterInstagram and Facebook (all @LensShark) as we build this community.

We’d love to answer your question on the show. Leave us an audio question through our voicemail widget, comment below or via social media. But audio questions are awesome!

You can also cut a show opener for us to play on the show! As an example: “Hi, this is Matt Smith with Double Heart Photography in Chicago, Illinois, and you’re listening to the PetaPixel Photography Podcast with Sharky James!”