Michele Rennie & Princess Tinkerbell

PetPix World with Vasi Siedman - A podcast by Vasi Siedman - Thursdays


In this episode you will Meet Michele Rennier....she and her husband rescued their princess Tinkerbell who is a Lynxpoint Siamese 3 yrs ago...their home is now overflowing with love and hapouness! Michele and her husband are normal down to earth people...they love cats. They had 3 & in Jan 2017 they had to have their precious Gypsey girl put to sleep...they were devastated...Michele had been looking on a shelter website and saw Tinkerbell...she knew immediately she wanted her...so to make sure she would become theirs they spent the night in the shelter parking lot and with each hour that went by we got a little more excited....17 hrs & 15 minutes later she was put in their arms and it was the best feeling ever knowing that they rescued her and that their home was now going to be overflowing with so much love! Connect with Michele Rennier & Tinkerbell : Facebook: @Tinkerbell The Princess  Instagram: @iamprincesstinkerbell👉Save the date! January 11New podcast episodes: Tuesdays and Thursdays  ⭐️GET OUR FREE PET PHOTOGRAPHY COURSE:www.petpixacademy.com