#051: Luca Forcucci Story

PhD Career Stories - A podcast by PhD Career Stories Team


Luca Forcucci is an artist and scholar of Swiss and Italian citizenships based in Berlin. His research observes the perceptive properties of sound, space and memory exploring the field of possibilities of the experience. In this context, he is interested in perception, subjectivity and consciousness. Since twenty years, the research observes also his own nomadic situation, as well as his work in various global contexts (Brazil, China, South Africa, Mozambique, USA, Europe and Switzerland). He considers the eyes and ears of the beholder in such contexts as integrally part of his thought. A great influence is the late American avant- garde composer and musician Pauline Oliveros and her concept of deep listening expanded to all what is humanly possible to listen to. Forcucci achieved a PhD in Music, Technology and Innovation from De Montfort University in U.K., and a MA in Sonic Arts from Queens University of Belfast. The research was also conducted at the University of the Arts of Berlin, INA/GRM (Institut National d’Audiovisuel / Groupe de Recherches Musicales) in Paris while investigating at Bibliothèque Nationale de France François Mittérand. He is regularly invited to lecture in universities (University of Limerick, USP São Paulo, UFRJ Rio de Janeiro, URC California, UdK Berlin, ZhDK Zürich, EPFL Lausanne, SIVA Shanghai). He has an extensive background in architecture. The artworks are presented worldwide on a regular basis (Festival Multiplicidade Rio de Janeiro, Red Bull Station São Paulo, 30th Biennale of Sao Paulo with Mobile Radio, Akademie der Künste Berlin, Miller Gallery at Carnegie Mellon Pittsburgh, The Lab Gallery  San Francisco, Venice Biennale with Swatch Art Peace Hotel, MAXXI: Museum of XXI Century Arts Rome, Rockbund Museum Shanghai, House for Electronic Arts Basel, Museum of Fine Arts Le Locle). The compositions are released on Universal, Crónica Electrónica in Porto and Subrosa in Bruxelles. Forcucci have been nominated in the arts at The World Technology Summit in New York, and was the first artist in lab in residency at the Brain Mind Institute at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne.   For complete show notes, including links to items mentioned in this episode and a transcript of the podcast, visit www.phdcareerstories.com. You can also find us on social media: www.facebook.com/PhDCareerStories www.twitter.com/PhDCareerPod www.instagram.com/phdcareerstories www.linkedin.com/company/phd-career-stories