Healthying Physical Education | Mikeal Quennerstedt

PhysEdcast - A podcast by Nathan Horne


Mikael Quennerstedt is Professor in Physical Education and Health at Örebro University, Sweden. Quennerstedt has worked as physical education teacher in Swedish compulsory school, and as a physical education teacher educator at Örebro University since 1994. His work focuses on teaching and learning in physical education from a Swedish didaktik research tradition, as well as health education from a salutogenic perspective. In his research, questions of health, body, gender, artefacts, subject content, learning processes and governing processes within educational practices has been prominent. In recent years he has also been passionate about exploring questions about education, digital technologies and health. Recent publications include themes such as professional development, indigenous knowledges, social media, wearable health technologies, power in group work and teaching dance in physical education using exergames. Mikael is associate editor of the international journal Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy and an editorial board member of the journal Sport, Education and Society. Social media Twitter Research blog Google Scholar page