Ep 106 Investing in The Top End of Town - With Jack Henderson

Pizza and Property - A podcast by P&P Media


For most average Australians, investing in property starts in the $250k to $750k kinda price ranges, this is generally what's accepted as the standard. This episode we talk with a young man that has built a $14m portfolio by challenging everything that's standard in the property investing space. We're talking with Jack Henderson, founder of Henderson Advocacy.    Jack is making a name for himself in the buyer's agency space in the inner east of Sydney and Newcastle area, specialising in buying high end assets both for clients and himself. Holding properties that have a that value between $2m and $6m each, Jack is a self confessed risk taker that backs his style of investing in the top end of town.    It doesn't matter if you're in a position to buy a $6m property or not, because this episode with Jack is designed to show a detailed contrast of why a top end property can sometimes be a fantastic choice for a portfolio. We're talking in detail with Jack about: - Why buy 1x $2m property when you could buy 4x $500k properties? - How do you manage such a negatively geared portfolio? - What should you look for in a high end asset as opposed to an entry level one.    If you want to talk details with Jack, click the link below:   https://henderson.com.au/   Join Todd Sloan each week, to pick the brains of a different industry leader to bring you the best property content in the country.   Want more help understanding how to buy property faster and for less? Get your copy of Todd Sloan’s book today: Booktopia: https://www.booktopia.com.au/australia-s-home-buying-guide-todd-sloan/book/9780648980490.html?source=pla&zsrc=go-nz-allstock&gclid=Cj0KCQjwnJaKBhDgARIsAHmvz6f55Kw-l0pKCn0DMNj0TND2qN863sQQR56p98sXAjOUgBQSpwDDQ0waAtLsEALw_wcB Dymocks: https://www.dymocks.com.au/book/australias-home-buying-guide-by-todd-sloan-9780648980490?gclid=Cj0KCQjwnJaKBhDgARIsAHmvz6etuq25nQ2CSirN8z-UHAIshbp5MxeuD7ECMvs5Oghg2Pab34Fyl0QaAuQhEALw_wcB   YouTube Pizza & Property: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgXX6ibW7WEFbWkf-jslDvQ?view_as=subscriber Facebook Pizza & Property: https://www.facebook.com/Pizza-and-Property-2111096335696398/?modal=admin_todo_tour ASK YOUR LISTENER QUESTION BY VISITING THE WEBSITE BELOW  Website:  https://www.pizzaandproperty.com/   Disclaimer: All discussions are general in nature and should never be considered financial advice, please seek your own professional financial advice. The content displayed on the website, podcast and blog is the intellectual property of the Pizza and Property. You may not reuse, republish, or reprint such content without our written consent.