Ep 226 Maximise Re-Val Equity, What Valuers Won't Tell You, How to Impress a Valuer - With Belinda Botzolis - With Belinda Botzolis

Pizza and Property - A podcast by P&P Media


We all want the highest valuation possible so we can extract the maximum amount of equity and keep growing our portfolio... But how rare is it to find a valuer who's willing to spill the beans about how to get the highest possible valuation? In today's episode, we've been lucky enough to catch up with Belinda Botzolis, AKA "Belinda the valuer" who has decades of experience, to help uncover all the tips & tricks you need to hit your target valuation. And to break it all down, we're going to be taking a tour through a made-up property, and at each step, Belinda is going to disclose how to maximise the valuation of that area. - Whether it's how landscaping can dramatically improve your street appeal. - What kind of furniture and furnishings should you be picking up when it comes to staging? - What small changes can you add to your kitchen to make a valuer think it's worth more? And that's only the tip of this iceberg! You'll want to listen to this episode as closely, these kinds of rare insights could mean the difference between a average valuation and one that increases your portfolio to the next level. ย  ย  ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ  We want to hear your investor story! So if you've experienced something that you know other investors can learn a thing or two from, click the link below and let us know. ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ  ๐Ÿ‘‰ https://pizzaandproperty.com.au/investor-story ๐Ÿ‘ˆ If you'd like to be flown into the Pizza & Property Studio, put up for a night's accommodation, have dinner with Todd Sloan, and have a team of carefully chosen property investing experts help you get unstuck, click the link below and tell us why you're stuck, and you could be our next UN-Stuck Yourself winner! ๐Ÿ‘‰ https://pizzaandproperty.com.au/unstuck-yourself ๐Ÿ‘ˆ ย  Get in touch with our amazing episode contributors & sponsors: ย  Belinda Botzolis: https://addvaluer.com/ ย  Trove Property Management: https://trovepm.com.au/ ๐Ÿ“ˆ Download the Adelaide Market Update Booklet here: ๐Ÿ“ˆ https://pizzaandproperty.com.au/trove-highest-growth-adelaide-suburbs ย  Investor Kit: https://www.investorkit.com.au/ Rob Flux - Property Development Network https://developernetwork.com.au/Events ย  ย  ย  Want more help understanding how to buy property faster and for less? Get your copy of Todd Sloanโ€™s book today: Booktopia: https://www.booktopia.com.au/australia-s-home-buying-guide-todd-sloan/book/9780648980490.html?source=pla&zsrc=go-nz-allstock&gclid=Cj0KCQjwnJaKBhDgARIsAHmvz6f55Kw-l0pKCn0DMNj0TND2qN863sQQR56p98sXAjOUgBQSpwDDQ0waAtLsEALw_wcB Dymocks: https://www.dymocks.com.au/book/australias-home-buying-guide-by-todd-sloan-9780648980490?gclid=Cj0KCQjwnJaKBhDgARIsAHmvz6etuq25nQ2CSirN8z-UHAIshbp5MxeuD7ECMvs5Oghg2Pab34Fyl0QaAuQhEALw_wcB YouTube Pizza & Property: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgXX6ibW7WEFbWkf-jslDvQ?view_as=subscriber Facebook Pizza & Property: https://www.facebook.com/Pizza-and-Property-2111096335696398/?modal=admin_todo_tour ย  ASK YOUR LISTENER QUESTION BY VISITING THE WEBSITE BELOW Website:ย https://www.pizzaandproperty.com/ ย  ย  Disclaimer: All discussions are general in nature and should never be considered financial advice, please seek your own professional financial advice. The content displayed on the website, podcast, and blog is the intellectual property of Pizza and Property. You may not reuse, republish, or reprint such content without our written consent.