Ep. 44 From Immigrant to $200k Passive Income, with Andre

Pizza and Property - A podcast by P&P Media


There is something extra special about a story of a man that comes to this country with almost nothing and creates a $7,000,000 property portfolio with a passive income of $200k per year! If that doesn't impress you enough to listen to what this man has to say... i don't know what will.  Andre Garcia has over come more rejection and hard times than most, and he's gives us his time today to talk about how you could potentially be using better leverage through buying investment properties in your super fund.  We talk about the importance of having a strong and positive mind set as well as, how Andre manages his risk in the commercial real estate space. More about Andre Garcia below: https://fidelisfinancial.com.au/about-us/ Join Todd Sloan each week, to pick the brains of a different industry leader to bring you the best property content in the country. YouTube Pizza & Property: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgXX6ibW7WEFbWkf-jslDvQ?view_as=subscriber Facebook Pizza & Property: https://www.facebook.com/Pizza-and-Property-2111096335696398/?modal=admin_todo_tour Disclamer: All discussions are general in nature and should never be considered financial advice, please seek your own professional financial advice. The content displayed on the website, podcast and blog is the intellectual property of the Pizza and Property. You may not reuse, republish, or reprint such content without our written consent.