Weekly Slice 143 The Banking Change that Could Save you Thousands - With John Kefalianos

Pizza and Property - A podcast by P&P Media


With so many of us Aussies seemingly stuck in a "mortgage prison" unable to refinance even when in some cases, the rates are more than able to afford too.   This is largely due to the assessment rates that banks use which when they expect to see proof that you can afford 3% over the current rate. So for example, if your rate is 6% you need to demonstrate that you can afford 9% even if you can easily afford that initial 6%.   While this higher assessment rate has been here as a form of protection to the borrower it now seems to be hurting far more than it helps. Mortgage broker & Property developer John Kefalianos from Finance Labs arrives in the studio for this week to share some terrific news for us investors!  What if we told you that this 3% assessment rate has been lowered down?... WAY DOWN! This is an episode you're going to want to share with a mate to potentially save them a lot of cash.     John unpacks this major change at length and explains the positive benefits that this not only will have on the ordinary Australians mortgage but on the property market as a whole. Stay tuned because this could save you thousands in the long run!       🍕🏠 We want to hear your investor story! So if you've experienced something that you know other investors can learn a thing or two from, click the link below and let us know. 🍕🏠 👉 https://pizzaandproperty.com.au/investor-story 👈 If you'd like to be flown into the Pizza & Property Studio, put up for a night's accommodation, have dinner with Todd Sloan, and have a team of carefully chosen property investing experts help you get unstuck, click the link below and tell us why you're stuck, and you could be our next UN-Stuck Yourself winner! 👉 https://pizzaandproperty.com.au/unstuck-yourself 👈     Get in touch with our amazing Episode episode contributors & sponsors: Talk with KHI Partners: https://khipartners.com.au/ Talk in more detail with Rishi Bajaj from investorKit today: https://rishibajaj.com.au/   Want more help understanding how to buy property faster and for less? Get your copy of Todd Sloan’s book today: Booktopia: https://www.booktopia.com.au/australia-s-home-buying-guide-todd-sloan/book/9780648980490.html?source=pla&zsrc=go-nz-allstock&gclid=Cj0KCQjwnJaKBhDgARIsAHmvz6f55Kw-l0pKCn0DMNj0TND2qN863sQQR56p98sXAjOUgBQSpwDDQ0waAtLsEALw_wcB Dymocks: https://www.dymocks.com.au/book/australias-home-buying-guide-by-todd-sloan-9780648980490?gclid=Cj0KCQjwnJaKBhDgARIsAHmvz6etuq25nQ2CSirN8z-UHAIshbp5MxeuD7ECMvs5Oghg2Pab34Fyl0QaAuQhEALw_wcB YouTube Pizza & Property: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgXX6ibW7WEFbWkf-jslDvQ?view_as=subscriber Facebook Pizza & Property: https://www.facebook.com/Pizza-and-Property-2111096335696398/?modal=admin_todo_tour ASK YOUR LISTENER QUESTION BY VISITING THE WEBSITE BELOW Website: https://www.pizzaandproperty.com/ Disclaimer: All discussions are general in nature and should never be considered financial advice, please seek your own professional financial advice. The content displayed on the website, podcast, and blog is the intellectual property of Pizza and Property. You may not reuse, republish, or reprint such content without our written consent.