Weekly Slice 8 - Biggest BOOM in Aussie History? - With Simon Pressley
Pizza and Property - A podcast by P&P Media
Are we heading towards the Biggest boom in Aussie history? If we are then what does that look like and what would make anyone think it is about to happen? one man who understands a thing or two about property investing Mr Simon Pressley thinks that is exactly what's about to happen. We talk about: - When was the previous biggest boom Australians had ever seen? - Has COVID-19 played a part in creating it or is it coincidence? - What are the key factors that are pointing to this boom accuring? Learn more about Simon: https://www.propertyology.com.au/profile-simon-pressley/ Join Todd Sloan each week, to pick the brains of a different industry leader to bring you the best property content in the country. YouTube Pizza & Property: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgXX6ibW7WEFbWkf-jslDvQ?view_as=subscriber Facebook Pizza & Property: https://www.facebook.com/Pizza-and-Property-2111096335696398/?modal=admin_todo_tour ASK YOUR LISTENER QUESTION BY VISITING THE WEBSITE BELLOW Website: https://www.pizzaandproperty.com/ Disclaimer: All discussions are general in nature and should never be considered financial advice, please seek your own professional financial advice. The content displayed on the website, podcast and blog is the intellectual property of the Pizza and Property. You may not reuse, republish, or reprint such content without our written consent.