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Plain English - A podcast by Plain English


Jeff and JR share some thoughts on how Plain English started, how we produce the program, and where our listeners are from. Connect with Jeff on Twitter (@PlainEnglishPod) and Facebook (PlainEnglishPod). Or e-mail [email protected] If you like the program, please leave a review or rating wherever you listen. It will help others discover the program. Never miss an episode! Sign up to receive updates from Plain English at  Subscribers get exclusive links for further reading and additional practice with common English words and phrases. Learn English the fun way: with a podcast in English! Listen to an American English podcast that you enjoy and understand -- all at a slower speed than normal. | Aprende inglés gratis en línea con nuestro curso. Se habla a una velocidad lenta para que todos entiendan. ¡Aprende ingles con nosotros ahora! | Aprenda Inglês online grátis com o Plain English, a uma velocidade menor, para que todos possam entender.Mentioned in this episode:Try out the full Plain English experienceCurious what the full Plain English experience is like? With our free sample lessons, you can try out the fast audio, built-in translations, workshops, quizzes, exercises, and more. This page explains it all: Check it out and see exactly how you can upgrade your English with Plain English!