Shirley Ballaney: Land Pooling - Gujarat Experience and the Way Forward (Part-2)
Planning in India - A podcast by Center for Research on Architecture and Urbanism Jointly with Center for Urban Planning and Policy, CEPT University

Shirley Ballaney is an architect and an urban planner with over two decades of experience in urban planning, policy & development. She has worked in many cities in India and led a wide array of projects ranging from preparing statutory city development plans, town planning schemes and area development plans. Shirley practices as an independent consultant and works for The World Bank, Asian Development Bank, DFID, NIUA and many private consulting firms. Her research interests are land use planning & management, development regulations, heritage and environment. In the second part, she discusses the Gujarat Town Planning schemes and ends with some thoughts on improving and expanding the practice. It looks like the land pooling mechanism will increase in importance in the post-COVID times as resource-strapped city governments rush to enhance existing and provide amenities such as open space, and health and educational facilities.