Shreya Gadepalli: Demystifying Urban Transportation
Planning in India - A podcast by Center for Research on Architecture and Urbanism Jointly with Center for Urban Planning and Policy, CEPT University

Shreya Gadepalli is a sustainable urban mobility expert with over two decades of real world experience. She currently leads the South Asia Programme of the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), a global non-profit organization that works with cities to bring about sustainable transport solutions. She has worked extensively on bus-based transport systems, the design of non-motorised transport facilities, parking management, and transit-oriented development. Shreya is an active contributor to national and state policies and guidelines. In this podcast, Shreya Gadepalli takes the listeners on a journey of urban transport in India. She highlights the issues that impede sensible urban transport planning in Indian cities and talks about how the present car-oriented transport planning paradigm is failing them. She goes on to make a case for re imagining urban mobility in India through three key steps: developing inclusive public transport, creating a safe environment for walking and cycling, and reforming parking.