Vishram Patil: Resettlement and Rehabilitation, the Mumbai experience
Planning in India - A podcast by Center for Research on Architecture and Urbanism Jointly with Center for Urban Planning and Policy, CEPT University

Vishram Patil is a social scientist and planner with over three decades of experience in working with MMRDA, which is a regional planning and development authority for Mumbai Metropolitan Region. He has worked on regional planning, financing of urban infrastructure, land acquisition and rehabilitation and resettlement. He dealt with social safeguard issues and was involved in actual LA and R&R of various mega infrastructure projects funded by multilateral and bi-lateral agencies. In this podcast, Mr. Vishram Patil talks about the development of Resettlement and Rehabilitation (R&R) Policy and process in the context of large urban infrastructure projects. He borrows from his rich experience of working on R&R projects in Mumbai to highlight the legal process of resettlement and the challenges in its implementation. He concludes by outlining how the process can be improved to have better outcomes for affected populations.