Episode 43 - The Loss of Family Worship

Pod of the Gaps - A podcast by Pod of the Gaps

Why is family worship less prominent than it used to be? Are we somehow more mature than previous generations? Has digital technology replaced the need to come together regularly in prayer, song, and Scripture? The absence of these important practices is more significant than many realise, within and beyond the Church. Biblically, it is clear that parents (especially fathers) have a key role to play in seeing their children raised in the training and instruction of the Lord. But there are many ways this can happen, and also many ways it can go wrong. In this episode we discuss some of the the pitfalls and the joys of family worship. We also recommend some key resources which have helped us along the way. ** Please consider supporting Pod of the Gaps: http://patreon.com/wkop ** RESOURCES: - Randall Goodgame, 'Sing the Bible', https://slugsandbugs.com/ - Marty Machowski, 'Old Story New: Ten-Minute Devotions to Draw Your Family to God' (New Growth Press, 2012) - Michael J. Tinker, 'The Greatest Rescue Ever' https://michaeljtinker.com/ - Jamie Soles, https://solmusic.ca/ - "Devotional Dippers" (5 minute Bible discussion starters for kids): https://www.10ofthose.com/uk/products/24362/devotional-dippers-3-pack - https://www.opendoorsuk.org/resources/families/ - Tim Hawkins on Noah's ark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVxRddVYYig