Sunak survives, plus the long wait for Grenfell justice

Pod Save the UK - A podcast by Crooked Media - Thursdays

Rishi Sunak endured one his toughest weeks yet as Prime Minister, as he faced the Covid Inquiry and tried to placate rebellious MPs. But he lived to fight another day - as does his controversial Rwanda Bill. For Westminster watchers it was all about the mooted rebellion that didn’t materialise, but for Nish and Coco, the real story was the death of an asylum seeker aboard the Bibby Stockholm barge. For Nish, this stark warning about the potentially tragic effects of inhumane policies, should be cause for introspection amongst our political leaders. The news that the final report of the Grenfell Inquiry has been pushed back once again, has frustrated many of those waiting to see justice done. Journalist Peter Apps joins Nish and Coco to discuss the inquiry, and offer his analysis of the systemic issues that allowed the tragedy to happen…and whether it could happen again.