Disobedience (2017)
Sapphic Culture Club - A podcast by Neon Cactus Radio

Are you ready for some sexy, beige and grey Rachel on Rachel action?? In this episode we're dissecting director Sebastián Lelio's AND author Naomi Alderman's Disobedience(s?). So, let's follow Ronit back to her Orthodox Jewish hometown where, at least in the film version, she will [spoiler] in Esti's [spoiler]. Also other things happen. We'll talk about... The CHEMISTRY 🫠 The differences between the book and the film Rachel Weisz as the perfect Ronit Rachel McAdams as the perfect Esti 💦💦💦 The character's and the author's(!) religious evolution And more! Episode transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DWZXn5ijvhzUm3knUa91MBk8Iak5Y--P_bUpgK7bqJE/edit?usp=sharing ✨Special shout-out to @badportraitfanart (instagram.com/badportraitfanart) for helping out with this episode's transcript!!💘 Stuff we mentioned: Naomi Alderman interview at Disobedience premiere – Tribeca Film Festival 2018 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TELy_sQmhKA CBS Sunday Morning Interview with Rachel Weisz (2:38 https://youtu.be/q50j4Qj0EHw?t=158) Rachel McAdams, Rachel Weisz on sharing the best sex scene of the year in Disobedience - https://ew.com/movies/2018/04/24/rachel-mcadams-rachel-weisz-sex-scene-disobedience/ Rachel Weisz And Rachel McAdams Talk 'Disobedience' - https://www.npr.org/2018/04/28/606716520/rachel-weisz-and-rachel-mcadams-talk-disobedience ScreenTalks Archive: Disobedience - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/screentalks-archive-disobedience/id521076090?i=1000545285188 Sebastián Lelio on ‘Disobedience’ and the Male Gaze - https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/sebasti-n-lelio-disobedience-male-gaze-lesbian-cinema-1106532/