038 - A Human/Alien Symbiosis
Point of Convergence - A podcast by ExoAcademian - Sundays

The UFO Phenomenon is a topic that has undoubtedly seen a rise in interest amongst the general public in recent years. This of course has much to do with startling videos of officially declared UAP - that is, unidentified aerial phenomena - that were discussed in some detail in a ground-breaking New York Times article in 2017. More recently, discussions have only increased following a classified report delivered to Congress in 2021 by an officially sanctioned Department of Defense task force. Indeed this momentum really has helped to make this topic, if not exactly headline news around the world, at least a subject that no longer garners outright ridicule and derision in the mainstream. Still, that said, what is perhaps an even more intriguing, startling, and consequential aspect of the UFO Phenomenon, still tends to “fly under the radar” when it comes to mainstream coverage - and that includes both news media as well as the political set. Here I speak of contact with the apparently non-human intelligences piloting these craft. As those of us intimately familiar with this enigmatic topic know all too well, this aspect is central to our quest to understand the ultimate origin and intentions of these Others. Contrary to what many cynics and naysayers might claim, those who do experience this kind of contact with alien entities are not necessarily conspiracy theorists obsessed with this topic. In fact, many who have experienced the kind of sudden, and initially unwanted, contact event known as abduction, had no interest nor familiarity with this topic beforehand. From their point of view, It was an event (or, more commonly, series of events) that seemed to be suddenly thrust upon them from out of nowhere. One such individual is Jim Sparks. With a background as a run-of-the-mill real estate developer from south Florida, only really concerned with fulfilling his vision of the American dream, the last thing on his radar was otherworldly visitors and trips to their apparently sophisticated spacecraft. And yes, at some point in his adult life, this is precisely what he started experiencing. And these events were far and few in between. At the height of his experiences, he was being abducted multiple times a month. Unlike some contact/abduction experiences that only offer up foggy, jumbled memories of alien figures and supposed off-world technology, Sparks experienced full-on education sessions, where these Others sought to teach him their own language, and fostered his capacities along the Psi spectrum, including abilities such as telepathy and psychokinesis. What’s even more striking about Sparks’ case - making it even more difficult for naysayers to dismiss - is that all of these memories were recalled consciously. That is, without the need for what is commonly known as regression therapy. In retelling events, Sparks makes it clear that, from the onset of these experiences, as frightening as they initially were, he made a mental note to do his very best to remain conscious throughout. And, unlike many others who wished to do the same, he was surprisingly successful in this endeavor - ultimately remembering almost every aspect of the events. What was the nature of these consciously recalled experiences? And what did the communication between Sparks and these apparent alien Others reveal about their ultimate intentions, not just for him, but for all of humanity? The answers that emerged, according to Sparks’ experience, reveal a kind of symbiotic arrangement that some might find as disconcerting and disturbing as others find encouraging and enlightening. These are the very matters we’ll seek to explore in this, the 38th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.