074 - An ExoHuman Assessment
Point of Convergence - A podcast by ExoAcademian - Sundays

For those of us intimately familiar with the nuances of the so-called UFO Phenomenon, the question of if there is a “there” there or not is long settled. Those of us who’ve looked closely at the data gathered over the last 100 years or so - not to mention more ancient accounts that bear a striking resemblance to the descriptions of more modern encounters - have concluded that humanity is indeed being interacted with by intelligences that seem to arise from “elsewhere”. Now, whether the nature of that “elsewhere” is another solar system or another dimension of reality is a matter of some debate. Here I will argue, as I have for some time now, that these categories are generated from a perspective on reality that is limited and incomplete, better replaced by options that both include and transcend these outdated notions. But, nevertheless, the evidence points not only to them having been here for pretty much as long as we’ve been around, but also to the very distinct likelihood that they played a major role in our seeding and later development as a species on this planet. Beyond these often agreed upon notions comes the question regarding how many different groups of these others there are. Some will argue, based on a variety of factors, that what we may be observing is the actions of a single group or intelligence, merely presenting in different ways over time. John Keel, a very influential figure in this field, largely argued for this perspective. One of the key data points for this view is that high strangeness, psychic influence and elements of spacetime distortion are present in the vast majority of these cases. To some, startling overlap suggests a common source. Is this the only way to square this evidence though? I would argue it is not. I believe a better fit for the data is that the ways by which these various groups of Others are traversing domains to get here is what accounts for these common elements in experiencer accounts. Truth be told, I think it is our bias towards reducing complexity whenever and wherever we can that leads many to draw upon these somewhat superficial commonalities in order to leap to the conclusion that humanity is being manipulated by some singular overarching metaforce. Another reason why I think this being one group parading as many is not the best fit for the data is that the way these various Others interact with human beings is quite different. To speak in very broad terms, some of these groups seem to tread lightly, asking us not to fear them, and bringing messages of reconciliation and universal sibling-hood. On the other end of the spectrum are groups that seem to view human beings more like how we view animals - as commodities to use towards their own ends, regardless of how much discomfort we may experience in the process. To be sure there are many interactions with groups that also fall somewhere in between these two extremes. This variable treatment of human beings is a key data point demonstrating that these are different groups, often using similar means of “travel” - which, I will argue, is almost always interdimensional in nature. Does that mean so-called abductions are always conducted by groups of alien others who are malevolent - perhaps even the very source of evil described in ancient religious texts? Well, no I don’t think it’s quite that black and white. Nuance will be required throughout this discussion, because, as with so much of reality, the details are complex. That said, I do believe one can begin to parse out the actions of different groups, not only working towards different aims, but motivated by very different underlying levels of consciousness development, from within the totality of the data available. And that very goal, the identification of specific patterns of contact and communication from within the overarching complexity of the data associated with the UFO Phenomenon that will be the focus of this, the 74th episode, of the Point of Convergence.