029 - Anomalous Case in Point

Point of Convergence - A podcast by ExoAcademian - Sundays


For many, the notion that non-human intelligences, whether extraterrestrial, interdimensional, or ultraterrestrial, may be operating advanced vehicles in the skies above our heads is a stretch, but one they can wrap their heads around. It only makes sense – to most people, anyway, that an advanced species would have technology that might very well out-class our own. And if a non-terrestrial species wanted to visit our planet, most can imagine them buzzing around our atmosphere, before moving on to other points of interest. What is a more difficult notion for people to really track with is that the intelligences behind these vehicles may be interacting with us in a more direct and personal way. When you advance evidence suggesting these intelligences may be entering people’s homes, and are often taking them back to their craft in order to perform a variety of actions – some of a medical variety – and many people will balk. One has to ask: is this knee-jerk rejection of this notion based on a rational consideration of the evidence, or is it fueled more by a subconscious fear of loss of power and agency. We are so accustomed to being the apex intelligence around these parts, that when we’re confronted with compelling evidence suggesting we may very well not be, many people respond out of deep-seated fear. We suddenly remember all of the less than humane actions we’ve performed on animals over the centuries, continuing even to today, and we wonder what it would be like to be treated in the same manner by a superior species. When you add into the mix the apparent ability of these non-human intelligences to alter human perception, and to even control behavior, and you’ve now entered territory that makes most people turn around and walk the other way – not interested in engaging in such a conversation. And yet, that’s exactly what the literature behind the UFO Phenomenon suggests. All of the above. Craft of an advanced nature, operating in our skies. Entities entering our homes, passing through solid walls with no more difficulty than passing through a fine mist on a morning walk. And seemingly near total control of human consciousness – to the point where people look back with confusion and bewilderment at the nature of their own actions during such experiences. Yet another piece of the puzzle that is simply too much to consider for many people in the general public, is the sheer number of life forms apparently involved and interacting with us. Yes, you have the greys, with their large, inky-black wraparound eyes – that has become the quintessential face of the alien for millions, but you also have entities that appear almost totally human, as well as hybrid species that look very much like a cross between a human being and something else. And of course you have 7 foot tall praying mantis type beings, equally tall reptilian types, and the list goes on. For those who’ve had such experiences of what is often coined “high strangeness”, discombobulation is the inevitable result. These kinds of experiences are simply not of the sort that can be easily assimilated into most people’s working notions of “the real world”. Indeed, without support and the ability to process such experiences with others, these kinds of encounters can lead many to question their very grip on “reality”. But this not about a tenuous grip on reality. No, these experiences are real. And, as it turns out, I am no stranger to "high strangeness". And on this week’s podcast I’d like to offer some of my own family’s personal experiences of this nature. These are events that shattered former notions of what is and what’s possible, leading to a long, complicated journey in understanding the broader, richer, more colorful totality of all that exists. A reflection on the personal, generational encounters that have impacted me and my family are the topic of this, the 29th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.