031 - Consciousness & Construct

Point of Convergence - A podcast by ExoAcademian - Sundays


For those tuned into more recent developments within the field of ufology, there is a clear recognition that the conversation has moved in some surprising directions. What began as an assumption that we were witnessing the presence of spacecraft being piloted by extraterrestrials has evolved into a much broader consideration that involves interdimensionality, potential cryptoterrestrials and ultraterrestrials, consciousness-control, the manipulation of space-time, and much more. In many ways one could argue that what began as a conversation singularly about the potential visitation of visitors from some far-flung star system has evolved into a discussion about the nature of reality itself. The implications that arise from the so-called UFO Phenomenon really are that far-reaching and paradigm-stretching. Interestingly though, this kind of deep-seated soul searching is not unique to the field of ufology. As it turns out, other fields of inquiry are experiencing similar upheavals. While the often categorized “soft” sciences of sociology and psychology are facing these challenges, the so-called “hard” sciences are certainly not immune either. While the outer reaches of psychology, often termed parapsychology for that very reason, are trying to make sense of human capacities that apparently violate our notions of space-time altogether – here I speak of various categories of so-called ESP: telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis, etc., physics is grappling with equally baffling notions such as retro-causation – where the future seemingly causes the past, or at least, where the arrow of time seems to operate equally well in both directions, contrary to everything we’ve understood about the nature of reality up until recently. Tellingly, several astute observers, including pioneering researchers like Dean Radin of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, have noticed striking parallels emerging between these various fields of inquiry. Specifically, Radin and others have noted that the interconnected fabric of information that underlies the field of quantum mechanics bears remarkable similarity to the kind of fundamental structure that seemingly gives rise to phenomena plotted along the Psi spectrum. The essential question that arises from these fascinating observations is this: what does this apparent crossover tell us about the nature of ultimate reality? Clearly what we’re seeing here is evidence of a level of reality that is more informational and symbolic in nature. And it is this substrate of reality that ultimately gives rise to what we consider the physical world: the realm of matter and energy. In what way are human beings operating – usually unknowingly – at this informational layer, one that apparently exists beyond the constraints of space and time as as we have traditionally understood them, when we send messages to each other telepathically, or when CIA intelligence analysts employ the protocols of remote viewing to see into underground bases in the former Soviet Union? Furthermore, in what way does this understanding of reality help to explain some of the more bizarre elements of the UFO Phenomenon? Here we speak of events such as when people are passed through solid objects, or when alien intelligences are apparently able to read the minds of abductees/contactees, and even see into their futures, or how an alien species is able to traverse the immense distances involved in interstellar travel with relative ease. The convergence of the fields we’ve just identified: namely ufology, parapsychology and quantum physics, and the implications regarding the fundamental nature of reality that are arising as a result, is the subject matter of this, the 31st episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.