017 - Emissaries of Tomorrow
Point of Convergence - A podcast by ExoAcademian - Sundays

When it comes to proposed hypotheses offered to explain the intelligence behind the UFO Phenomenon, the extraterrestrial hypothesis is still the most common idea put forth. For the majority of the population, when confronted with the notion that a non-human intelligence is supposedly here, traversing the skies above our heads in technologically sophisticated craft that run circles around our most cutting-edge aerospace offerings, space aliens still seems like the logical explanation. In fact, for much of the general public, this is really considered the only logical option. For those who’ve studied the UFO Phenomenon in any detail and for any length of time, however, it quickly becomes clear – for those really open to considering all of the data with an open mind that is – that the extraterrestrial hypothesis, on its own, seems lacking. And for much of this small subset of the population actually paying attention to this phenomenon, something like the interdimensional hypothesis rises up as a leading hypothesis. Other possibilities also exist, of course; one of them being the Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis – which we’ve already discussed in some detail on a previous podcast – suggesting that a sister humanoid species may be cohabitating the planet with us, in a stealthy way – employing masterfully skillful techniques of misdirection to encourage our belief that what we’re dealing with are solely extraterrestrial visitors. A 4th hypothesis, positing beings known as ultraterrestrials, is a notion we will be pursuing in a future episode. If you’ve studied the UFO Phenomenon for any length of time, whether you’re familiar with this particular podcast or not, you’ve likely come across all of the above hypotheses. There are still other options, however. Some of them involve elements that ask us to think a little more outside the box, introducing additional variables such as time travel to the mix. In this week’s podcast I’d like to explore one of the lesser known hypotheses that does exactly this. This particular hypotheses doesn’t have a commonly recognizable name we can refer to, because it is in some ways a hybrid version of other hypotheses. If one were to give it a name, something like “The Post-terrestrial Hypothesis” works well enough. Though, as you’ll soon find out, it involves elements of extraterrestriality as well. It’s also intimate to us, because it supposedly involves actions by a time traveling non-conventional future human population, whose aim is to avert some imminent disaster in human history, by enacting some form of mass-intervention, accomplished mostly on the subconsciousness level, by primarily psychical means. This particular hypothesis is, from my point of view, both insightful & elegant. Insightful in that it offers potential explanations for particular data points commonly found within the literature of the UFO Phenomenon that other hypotheses simply ignore. And elegant because it explains much of the data without resorting to the incorporation of notions such as interdimensionality and vast, interstellar travel. Melding together elements from other hypotheses, it adds time travel to the equation, and revolves around our own post-conventional human future. An exploration of a hypotheses suggesting that at least some of the beings described in the literature of the UFO Phenomenon are actually our very own descendants, genetically altered, and featuring a spliced genome incorporating traits of other species from our very own planet, who are perhaps here to try to avert some future apocalyptic wrong turn in human history, is the topic of this, the 17th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.