015 - Infused with Otherness

Point of Convergence - A podcast by ExoAcademian - Sundays


Believing intelligent non-human life exists elsewhere in the Cosmos is one thing. That notion now has widespread acceptance, even amongst die-hard scientific materialists. But believing that non-human intelligence is here, in our very own backward, so to speak, is something else entirely. For many, that notion flies in the face of common sense. Taking it a step further, believing widespread accounts of alien-human contact, and even of abductions of people from the cozy comfort of their bedrooms in the middle of the night is, for a large portion of the population – simply a bridge too far. But, as if that weren’t already a lot to try to cognize, there is yet another key piece to the mythos of the UFO Phenomenon that demands to be reckoned with. I speak of the notion of alien-human hybrids: beings apparently already in our midst, walking amongst us, who’s very substance is a mixture of human and extraterrestrial genetic material. What are we to make of these claims? On the one hand, our understanding of biology screams foul. Surely a life-form indigenous to another planet, not to mention another star system altogether, for that matter, is simply not going to be biologically compatible with a modern homo-sapien. Surely you can no more interbreed an extraterrestrial and a human being, than you can an ant and a rabbit. And even if that were possible, by some feat of technological wizardry that we just can’t fathom at this point in our civilization’s history, this simply begs the question: why? Why would this even be something a supposedly vastly technologically superior alien species would want to do? Is this a science experiment to them? A game of biological manipulation that they play just to see what kinds of strange organisms result? Is this something we imagine a superior intelligence doing? Doesn’t that raise alarms in another part of our thinking: the part that assumes a superior alien intelligence would be too highly conscious to play such games? Of course, again, assuming that they are supposedly both our technological and moral/ethical superiors, perhaps there is a reason after all: but one that we simply cannot fathom based on our own civilization’s rather young age and rather modest center of gravity – in terms of evolutionary development. Or, perhaps there is a way we can glean the intention behind such activity – if indeed it is going on, as the literature behind the UFO Phenomenon would have us believe. Perhaps we can do this, second-hand, as it were, by listening to the very people who have stepped forward to claim that they themselves are walking, talking, breathing examples of these very alien-human hybrids we’re speaking of. Not only do these people exist: those who claim to be hybrid ET-human entities (or “hubrids”, as some call them), but they’ve stepped out from the shadows in recent years to proclaim they have a message from the ET civilizations from which they, in part, spawn. And they’re saying this is a message that we need to hear; one that is, in fact, perhaps vitally important for the very survival of our species. Indeed, a message central to the very reason for their existence. An exploration of the evidence and the implications behind this notion that there is a group of alien-human hybrids, already walking amongst us, on every continent on the earth, is the topic of this, the 15th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.