027 - The Cosmic Connection
Point of Convergence - A podcast by ExoAcademian - Sundays

Over the last several weeks and months, leading up to a UAP task force report delivered to Congress recently, the chatter about evidence for the presence of bonafide UFOs – unidentified flying objects – already in our midst, here on planet Earth, buzzing in and around our skies has risen to a near fever pitch. And while some are determined to dismiss every one of these sightings – no matter how well attested by a combination of expert witness testimony and sophisticated sensor data – as merely misunderstood examples of prosaic phenomena – there is a growing openness, even amongst a skeptical slice of mainstream media, academia and the political set, to at least consider the possibility that these craft are being controlled by a genuine form of advanced, non-human intelligence. While the pace at which this openness to non-conventional explanations has grown steadily over the last few months, and really years, it’s of course still not happening to a degree that satisfies most of us who are convinced, and have been for years in fact, after having studied the data closely, that the UFO Phenomenon is real. Nevertheless, whether one is a veteran in non-terrestrial affairs, or somewhat new to the entire topic, a key question that inevitably arises is: if these Others really are not just out there, but here, stationed in and around our planet, what are their intentions? What do they intend to do, and are their ultimate intentions benevolent, or nefarious? As has been discussed before on this very podcast, when it comes to our attempt to answer that question, we are not – as some strangely seem to assume – working with nothing but our own biases and assumptions here. No, in fact, there is a very extensive and well-supported body of literature that now exists, that speaks to this very question as to the intentions of these sophisticated, non-human intelligences. Here I speak of what is often referred to as the Experiencer literature; the body of data that represents what these apparent Others have told human beings who’ve come into contact with them, about their very aims and intentions here on the Earth. Now, some will look at this body of data, much of which is self-corroborating, and argue that, while that’s all well and good, how do we know we’re not just advancing our own hopes and biases in the form of a kind of collective wishful thinking. After all, some of these people would ask: what evidence do we have to suggest they would regard us as any more significant and worthy of “keeping around” than ants? If they really are as sophisticated, both in terms of technological prowess and advanced intelligence, as compared to us, what’s to say they would give us the “time of day” any more than we would do a mound of insects making a mess of our backyard? While these are fair questions – ones certainly worthy of addressing, considering the clear superiority these apparent Others do demonstrate over us – there is actually more than just the Experience literature available to us that suggests that we can indeed draw some tentative conclusions as to the purpose and intent of these “aliens” – these non-human intelligences now making our acquaintance. Here I speak of the predictable directionality of the evolutionary development of sentient species. What does this predictable directionality tell us about the likely perspectives of these advanced non-human Others, and what assurance do we have that these notions are not merely species-centric prejudices, projected on to species that are anything but human? These are intriguing, and, considering our current situation, essential questions for us as a civilization to address. These are the very issues we’ll tackle, head on, here in the 27th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.