035 - The Entangled Spectacle

Point of Convergence - A podcast by ExoAcademian - Sundays


In last week’s episode of the Point of Convergence podcast we discussed what I consider to be one of the most important cases in the history of the UFO Phenomenon. I speak here of the astounding life and times of Dorothy Izatt, a soft-spoken woman who managed to capture 30,000 feet of film footage documenting bizarre, astonishing, bewildering objects and lights in the sky outside her home in a suburb of Vancouver, British Columbia. Of course, the capturing of the footage - as compelling as that is, in terms of offering clear evidence of something you might call otherworldly really taking place - was perhaps not the most important or compelling aspect of Dorothy’s experience. She also claimed to be in regular communication with the intelligences behind these dizzying visual displays. And that combination of documented evidence of contact, along with the nature of the communication that took place with these Others, is what makes this case so particularly unique. Notice I used the term “intelligences” to describe Dorothy’s contact experiences. I do that not only to designate different individuals within one type or race of alien beings, but also to acknowledge the sheer breadth of contact Dorothy encountered - involving numerous different kinds of beings that fit the description of aliens we’d typically categorize as extraterrestrial, but also other entities, which as we mentioned last week might better be described as extradimensional, whom Dorothy saw as basically angelic in nature. Indeed, Dorothy’s ability to see and interact with such a broad assortment of Others seems directly connected to her capacity to observe a much wider spectrum of reality than the typical human being. That capacity included her apparent ability to see energy such as microwaves, which we’ll get into later in this episode. Interestingly, her capacity for this kind of extraordinary perception seemed to arise through a combination of what one might call innate gifting, and a kind of augmentation and tuning done by some of these beings themselves. Dorothy Izatt’s case is also fascinating and illuminating because it touches on her apparent history over multiple lifetimes - during which these Others claimed to have been in contact and ongoing relationship with her. Indeed, this piece, dealing with the expanded modalities of human beings, seems to be central to our quest to understand more about the ultimate nature of the UFO Phenomenon, and indeed of the fabric of reality itself. All that is to say, the case of Dorothy Izatt is simply too intriguing and too illuminating to be covered adequately in a single episode. And thus, a further discussion of the ground-breaking case of Dorothy Izatt is the topic of this, the 35th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.