052- The Inquiring Mind (Q&A) 2
Point of Convergence - A podcast by ExoAcademian - Sundays

As we approach the one year anniversary of the Point of Convergence podcast – now only days away – it’s useful to stop and reflect on the sheer wealth of the diverse and captivating material we’ve covered during the past 12 months. Over the past 50+ episodes we’ve pivoted between a micro and a macro view of this phenomenon, discussing the mind-boggling details of individual encounters with these beings perhaps best described as “the Others”, while also examining the overarching trends and common data-points observed, as we’ve endeavored to piece together a meaningful narrative to help us understand – at least in part – the totality of what is going on. And, during these last 12 months, while we’ve been busy perusing the so-called experiencer literature that has grown into an enormous volume of data over the decades, we’ve seen – out of the corner of our eye, as it were – that this topic: commonly referred to as “the UFO Phenomenon”, has even begun to finally pierce the veil of the mainstream. Indeed, in recent weeks we’ve seen the momentum that began in December 2017 with a remarkable piece in the New York Times, culminate in the passing of Congressional amendments that are poised to create an officially sanctioned office to gather, process and collate information pertaining specifically to UAP – unidentified aerial phenomena, aka UFOs. But our journey together has been about much more than an investigation of the strange and sophisticated craft buzzing in and around the skies above our heads, and of the bizarre and often life-changing encounters people have had with beings that seem decidedly otherworldly. We’ve also traced a point of convergence, if you will, where capacities that exist along the so-called psi spectrum seem to overlap with the data belonging to UFOs and aliens. Fascinatingly, not only do these Others – these non-human intelligences – seem to demonstrate a startling capacity for abilities such as telepathy, psychokinesis, and clairvoyance, but so too do human beings, suggesting perhaps our connection to them is closer than many of us have first imagined. Indeed other human experiences reported across time; here we speak of events such as out of body experiences, near death experiences, subtle state sensing and astral travel – also seem to meet at a point of convergence with data usually squarely bookmarked within the UFO Phenomenon. And we’ve discussed how, in total, this remarkably illuminating point of convergence seems to be suggesting something fundamental about ultimate reality itself; laying bare the evidently central role that capital “C” consciousness seems to play as the bedrock of all that is; serving as a substrate that not only gives rise to secondary phenomena such as matter and energy, but that seems to connect everything and everyone in the Kosmos, which is perhaps best described as a multi-dimensional multiverse, potentially teeming with life. As we’ve tracked this trajectory that has – I’m sure you’ll agree – proven to be, at times, as equally baffling and bewildering as it has bewitching and transfixing, no doubt questions have arisen in the minds of you, the audience. And that’s probably true whether you hopped on this train at the first stop around this time last year, or whether you’ve jumped on-board on one of our more recent episode stops. Either way, now seems like an apt time to explore some of those questions in the second edition of a feature titled The Inquiring Mind, where I engage with some of the thoughtful and insightful questions you the audience have sent in over the last couple of months. And so now, without further adieu, let’s jump into these thought-provoking questions as part of this Inquiring Mind feature, in this, the 52nd episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.