008 - The Visitors in Hiding

Point of Convergence - A podcast by ExoAcademian - Sundays


When one considers the history of the UFO Phenomenon, both recent and going well back to the middle part of the 20th century, one thing is clear: subterfuge is an ongoing and ever-present element of the entire enterprise. When these elusive craft are seen, it’s often at night and, on average, in less densely populated areas. When they are spotted over city centers, some people will see these unidentified aerial phenomena, while others will not — because on top of being elusive, the intelligence behind these craft show a clear ability to manipulate human perception directly, in whatever way it sees fit. It is fair to say that you only see them when they want you to see them. And then there are the witnesses, the abductees and the contactees: known collectively as “experiencers”. When these people do remember coming into contact with these apparently non-human intelligences, it’s often in fits and starts. The memories are foggy and disjointed. For this reason, many of these experiencers seek out trained therapists to conduct hypnotic regression, in hopes of pulling additional details from the ether of the deep subconscious. And when the embedded events do eventually arise in memory, it’s often clear that significant portions of the experiencer’s life have either been blocked from conscious memory, or masked as other events that didn’t tell the whole – or true – story. These shards of recall often touch on genetic manipulation, even the witnessing of apparent alien/human hybridization programs. The question we’re left with is: Why? Why the secrecy? Why the hiddenness? What’s behind the stealthy nature of this alien intelligence? What can we tease from the data regarding the potential motivations behind these actions? Is this sign of a daunting, looming threat of enormous proportions? Or is a completely different future in play: one that involves a cooperative, inter-species relationship and a subsequently completely changed human civilization? These compelling questions are the topic of this, the 8th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.