079 - UFOs, Treaties & Hybrids

Point of Convergence - A podcast by ExoAcademian - Sundays


Within the enigma known as the UFO Phenomenon, a few particularly troubling aspects have long existed as part of the experiencer literature. One specific aspect that has long been particularly concerning involves the knowledge of and cooperation in what are often deemed negative abduction encounters, by apparently human, terrestrial powers. In other words, our very own governments, or particular elements of them, willingly signing off on the abduction of and experimentation with innocent citizens. These kinds of accounts and evidence streams are particularly difficult to swallow because they not only involve humans agreeing to let other humans be experimented with – though, of course, we’ve seen that before, for instance during the horrors of the Nazi regime in WW2 – but also because they involve communication and accord-making between human beings and various alien species. For some this is a bridge too far. Strange, liminal creatures coming in and out of different dimensions is one thing. But grey aliens walking into a meeting room with government officials and negotiating treaties is something else entirely. And yet, that’s precisely what aspects of the experiencer literature, corroborated with additional historical evidence that has leaked out over time, is suggesting has indeed taken place as part of our relatively recent history. Part of these agreed-upon accords involve not only the abduction of Earth humans, but also the introduction of apparently hybrid beings into the Earth population; entities who are part human and part alien, sometimes looking shockingly unlike us, and other times looking so much like terrestrial humans that they could pass by unnoticed. Here we are confronted with the notion of them “walking amongst us”, even as we speak. In a case we’re going to review today we have all of the above taking place. First, evidence of accords being made with not just one alien group, but a consortium of different alien species, aligned – if only loosely – around various endeavors they are engaged with on our planet, with both Earth humans, and terrestrial animal populations. Furthermore, the accord discussed in this case actually involves the directing of ongoing interstellar traffic around a particular location in the American southwest, which, for all intents and purposes, serves as a spaceport hub for aliens coming from locations as far flung as Zeta Reticuli. Finally, the case we’re going to discuss today involves the attempted introduction of a particular hybrid being: part human and part something else, into the terrestrial population. How that attempted socialization of a hybrid being goes, speaks to the challenges that arise in these kinds of experiments; not only because vastly different social context origins are in the mix, but also because the biological defaults are so different between the two species. Is it true that Earth governments have made accords with interstellar, alien civilizations, and perhaps even with consortiums of various alien groups? And have these agreements included the experimentation with human beings, resulting in hybrid entities, who have then been introduced into the earth population? In this particular case, these are precisely the matters we’ll attempt to face head-on, seeking both for clarity and confirmation, in this, the 79th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.