Multicultural society in Norway

Political Bark - A podcast by Sophie Matlary

Multicultural society in Norway: Political Bark podcast in conversation with novelist Ole-Asbjørn Ness In this episode of Political Bark podcast, host Sophie Matláry has invited Norwegian novelist Ole-Asbjørn Ness to discuss the topic of “Multicultural society in Norway in 2020”. In fact, this topic is very relevant right now. These times are extremely challenging for multicultural societies - such as in light of recent events in Francis, where a whole nation is preparing to re-define the concept of a multicultural France, and what that entails In Norway, we are luckily far from facing the same challenges, but we are however still needing to make some changes to our societies. That is why this episode of Political Bark especially analyzes the existing multicultural model in Norway. As Ole-Asbjørn Ness comments in the episode “in Norway, we pretend that anyone can be of any identity and religion and still be Norwegian, and still integrate. That is however not the case, as the examples of people used to prove this point, are always those that have more or leas taken on all the secular Norwegian values. People such as politicians Abi Raja or Hadia Tajik”. In fact, Ness points out the apparent hypocrite dimension of our current model, a topic that has never really been discussed openly before.