No Planet, No Politics

Political Climate - A podcast by Political Climate


Time is running out to combat climate change.  The United Nations has released an alarming new climate science report — but will it even matter? We discuss how the report is being received by leaders in the U.S. and abroad. Plus, we look at the politics of ditching coal power. The new UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report calls for a global coal phase out by 2050. How feasible is that? Finally, Judge Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed. We wrap up the show by wading into what that could mean for the midterms. Recommended reading: Vox: Report: we have just 12 years to limit devastating global warming Washington Examiner: Republican climate hawks hope dire UN report will sway skeptics  HBR: The Scale of the Climate Catastrophe Will Depend on What Businesses Do Over the Next Decade GTM: The Death of Global Coal Growth Guardian: Australian government backs coal in defiance of IPCC climate warning  GTM: Key Backer of Trump’s Coal and Nuclear Bailout Effort is Nominated to FERC GTM: Scrutinizing Judge Kavanaugh’s Past (Energy and Environmental Record)  WaPo: Another sign that the Kavanaugh fight is energizing Republican voters Subscribe to the Political Climate podcast via ApplePodcasts, GooglePlay, TuneIn, Overcast, Stitcher and Spotify. Follow Political Climate on Twitter @Poli_Climate.