The Week... MPs vote on Rishi’s Rwanda legislation

Politics At Jack And Sam's - A podcast by Sky News - Sundays

Two of Westminster's best-connected journalists, Sky News's Sam Coates and Politico's Jack Blanchard, guide us through their predictions of how British politics will play out over the next seven days. It’s looking like a tough week ahead for Rishi Sunak. Jack and Sam look to Tuesday’s crucial vote as the Prime Minister attempts to get his landmark Rwanda legislation through parliament. On top of that, Rishi Sunak will also be giving evidence at the COVID inquiry's final session of the year. Jack and Sam take us through what we can expect from his testimony. Plus Keir Starmer is due to give a big speech on Tuesday to mark the fourth anniversary of the 2019 general election. Email with your thoughts and rate how their predictions play out: [email protected] or [email protected]