"The Work God Requires" - Mike Ashcraft | I AM_____, Week 4

Port City Community Church Podcast - A podcast by Port City Community Church - Tuesdays

To live out our faith and experience the amazing life that Jesus promises, we've got to keep close to Him, like staying connected to a power source. It's about letting ourselves be shaped and changed by what Jesus teaches us – that's the formation process. Understanding that God is the giver of life is a big deal. If we live like Jesus is the essence of life, it means finding our true purpose and joy by following his way. Living as if Jesus is life involves more than just going through the motions; it's about embracing a lifestyle where we let His teachings guide us. It's like shifting from a routine existence to actively being part of a life filled with faith, love, and the transformative power of what Jesus teaches us. It's about living a meaningful and purposeful life.