Arcturians & The Earth's Ancient Guardians | Saryon Michael White

Portal to Ascension Radio - A podcast by Neil Gaur - Portal to Ascension

The Ascended Masters began speaking about Portals of Integration: gathering places multidimensionally where inner plane guides, healers, and divine intelligences come to offer their gifts to humanity. These are places of healing where powerful forms of integration work are taking place that are having a unifying effect on human consciousness. Whenever a new Portal of Integration opens, it offers us an opportunity to align with, and model, a new part of humanity’s evolutionary process. To receive such gifts is to receive vibrational medicine, and to expand our sense of who we are as energetic beings. In the last year, we have witnessed the opening of a Portal of Integration with the spirits of the Native Americans and many of Earth’s Ancient Guardians. This year, we have begun to witness a new Portal of Integration with the Angelic Presence, reflecting the evolutionary pathway of the Arcturians. We have also now experienced the opening of a new Portal of Integration with the consciousness of the Earth’s Animals.