Predictions & Energies of 2022 Panel

Portal to Ascension Radio - A podcast by Neil Gaur - Portal to Ascension

Predictions and Energies of 2022 Panel Discussion As we come out of this bardo time and the past two years of transformation that have thus far been the legacy of the 2020’s, what will this new year reveal? The best astrologers and visionaries around the country come together on Thursday, January 6th, 2022, to look at the course of our lives, our country and our planet. What does the future of humanity look like to these cosmic weather reporters and what can we do about it? Host Alan Steinfeld has held the astrological New Year’s forecast for the past 5 years - always with surprise and anticipation for what is to come. This year will focus on politics, the environment and how the coming transits will affect each one of us. Bio of Astrologers & Visionaries: Djenne Ba began her metaphysical studies in the spring of 1980 in San Francisco with Dr. Richard King. She is an Esoteric Astrologist, Metaphysical Lecturer and an advocate for Meditation. DB has studied with several African and Indian Master teachers in Metaphysics and Meditation. She specializes in Soul Purpose, Relationship Analysis and ASTRO CARTOGRAPHY, the science of Relocation. One of her major specialties is "Black Goddess Archetypes.” She uses Astrology as a tool for self- knowledge and empowerment. She has lectured extensively and conducted various workshops in the SF Bay Area, New York City, Washington, D.C and worked with clients globally. Antot Masuka​ is an astrologer and psychic adviser trained with the International Society of Astrological Researchers (ISAR) and the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Antot was a frequent writer for "The Ingress", a professional astrological journal of the National Council on Geo-cosmic Research (NCGR). A long time member of Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment in Virginia Beach and New York City, Antot combines dreams, metaphysical studies and Edgar Cayce's unique perspective on planetary motions to the field of astrology to deliver a sound synthesis, interpretation and analysis of the natal chart. Antot combines his philosophical views, business training and acumen and understanding of contemporary issues to bring clients and listeners an enlightened perspective on global events and issues unfolding in our time. He is an expert on the astrological implication of solar eclipses as they relate to earthquakes, earth changes and other world phenomena. Serena Wright Taylor is an award-winning Conference Producer, Intuitive Vedic Astrologer UFO researcher and Humanitarian. She became interested in UFOs and Extra-Terrestrials from experiences during childhood in England which led her to study philosophies and meditation from a very young age. As Associate Producer with the Conscious Life Expo for the past 20 years, she runs the UFO Section and Ancient Mysteries sections of the expo and bringing in experts in these fields and also sharing her own research into various UFO cases and our hidden ancient history. Serena spent many years in Vedic studies and practice. She lived in temples and was initiated as a Brahmin. She has done much research into the ancient Vedic Civilization, various Extra-Terrestrial species mentioned in the ancient texts and their ‘vimana’ space ships. She is an accomplished Vedic Astrologer, using a combination of her psychic ability and astrology to assist clients worldwide. Serena’s web site is Alexander D. Santiago is trained as an astrologer in both the Western and Vedic systems. He serves as a channel of divine inspiration in assisting others to make informed choices about the cosmic dance of the cycles. He is also an astrological coach, entrepreneur, natural fragrance alchemist, an ordained minister of the Science of Light and wedding officiant. Every Monday night he is the house astrologer for Nameste’ books. Marla Lombard is an expert in psychic development with over 22 years of experiences. She has been a psychic reader, speaker, and a psychic-spiritual teacher for over 20 years. Because of the challenges she felt after her sudden psychic awakening, her mission is to help everyone have rich, psychic and spiritual experiences easily and confidently. She has also been a speaker for the Los Angeles and Orange County chapters of the International Association for Near Death Studies (IANDS). Her book (coming soon!), “Discover the Ten Psychic Senses: The Complete Guide to Empower Your Psychic Self” combines practical information about the 10 psychic senses with fun psychic exercises, so everyone can develop their own unique psychic senses.