Happy Thoughts – Morning Affirmations for Calm and Focus

Positive Affirmations and Audio Stories - A podcast by Stefania Lintonbon

Thank you for joining us on this episode of the Positive Affirmations And Audio Stories podcast.Today we’ve got a guided affirmation session to help us start the day with focus and a more peaceful mind, before all the hustle and mind chatter start creeping or kick in. Feel free to join in or just have a listen and absorb the energy.       Affirmations are positive words that we say to ourselves to encourage ourselves, or to feel better about ourselves or to reach certain goals, or to heal or soothe our emotions and feelings.    The more we repeat, them the better the results we can get. But it's important to remember that affirmations often have to be followed with, or combined with, actions.    The words get us started and the actions carry us on our way.  When we find affirmations that really resonate with us it's good to repeat them often. We can put them on a card and carry the card around with us or we can put them around the house where we can see them.   The important thing about affirmations is repetition & choosing ones that are meaningful to you personally... ones that touch your heart!    Coffee fuels us up ... donations keep us going... please pop over to ko-fi for a coffee donation if you'd like to financially support our work. If you would like to get more inspiration, motivation, affirmations, and there are lots of inspirational positive videos, messages and artwork over there. https://ko-fi.com/happythoughts Many thanks, your listens, likes, subscribes and support mean the world to us.This podcast is available on Spreaker, iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, iHeartRadio and most podcast platforms and apps. If you like what you hear please feel free to share and to leave a review on your site of choice.Our Supporters Club members can get access to extra episodes created just for them!  Our Supporters Club via Spreaker: spreaker.com/podcast/positive-affirmations-and-audio-stories--1338752/support       Visit my Bandcamp page for more inspiration affirmations, meditations and stories for purchase and sample. Helping you live the positive lifestyle that you deserve.https://stefanialintonbon.bandcamp.com__________And for the children, do check out our other podcast "The Classic Children's Story Podcast ". It’s filled with regular episodes of classic sleep stories, and playtime anytime uplifting, fun tales: www.spreaker.com/show/4219679         Also, have a look at our YouTube channel of stories, affirmations, songs and more for kids:https://www.youtube.com/@SleepStoriesandFairyTales4U  Wait … There’s more! The website to accompany the you tube channel is here – www.sleepstoriesandfairytales4kids.com