Postmodern Realities Episode 237 Faith, Fact, and Reason: Ingredients for Knowledge

Postmodern Realities Podcast - A podcast by The Christian Research Institute - Wednesdays

Most of the time in conversations with skeptics, they want to pit faith against fact and throw it to the vicious onslaught of reason to be torn apart and devoured by the likes of science, truth, evidence, and reality. Faith against fact — these words not only find their way into book titles and chapter headings, but they also serve as common rebuttals to Christian beliefs in ordinary conversations with skeptics. No atheistic litany would be complete without some expression of woe over Christianity’s blatant offenses to reason. Religious skeptics typically fail to define and distinguish properly between belief and truth, both of which are essential elements of knowledge. This episode offers some reflections on how Christians can respond to the faith–reason (faith–fact) dichotomy.This Postmodern Realities episode is a conversation with Journal author Jonah Haddad about his effective evangelism article, “Faith, Fact, and Reason: Ingredients for Knowledge” in the current issue of the Christian Research Journal. You can subscribe and receive this as your first issue (Spring 2021) by clicking here.’d also like to invite you to subscribe to the Journal. To subscribe to the Journal, please click here. you to subscribe to the Journal, you join the team of print subscribers whose paid subscriptions help provide the resources at that minister to people worldwide. These resources include our ever growing database of over 1,500 articles, as well as our free Postmodern Realities podcast. Another way you can support our online articles is by leaving us a tip. A tip is just a small amount, like $3, $5, or $10 which is the cost for some of a latte, lunch out, or coffee drink. To leave a tip, click here articles featuring this author:Evaluating Extremism: Are Extreme Beliefs Always Dangerous?Reanimating Apologetics with the UndeadAllah, The Trinity, and Divine LoveOther related articles: Jerry’s Game-a book review of Faith vs. Fact: Why Science and Religion Are Incompatible by Jerry A. CoyneDon’t miss an episode; please subscribe to the Postmodern Realities podcast wherever you get your favorite podcasts. Please help spread the word about Postmodern Realities by giving us a rating and review when you subscribe to the podcast. The more ratings and reviews we have, the more new listeners can discover our content.