077: Urban Intervention with Groundcycle

Practice Disrupted by Practice of Architecture - A podcast by Evelyn Lee - Thursdays


Episode 077: Urban Intervention with GroundcycleWhat can we learn from a former architectural designer turned sustainable entrepreneur?At the peak of COVID-19 in New York City, farmers struggled to distribute their produce and the city had suspended all composting options. An architectural designer saw an opportunity to make a difference in her community. She began by picking up composting bins from friends and neighbors and has since grown her outreach into a fully operational business with over 300 customers. Vivian Lin made the jump from architecture into sustainable entrepreneurship and is dedicated to closing the loop between produce and compost with her Bin Swap and Compost Hub programs.Guest:Vivian Lin is a sustainability enthusiast born and raised in Midwood, Brooklyn. Being from lower Brooklyn, she has realized that many of NYC’s most valuable resources, including brown bins, Greenmarkets, and even Citi Bikes, don’t reach a majority of the city’s population. It’s important to her that these programs become accessible to all.Vivian is trained as an architect but recently left her design career to fill the massive composting gap in New York City. She is interested and curious about almost everything and is happiest when traveling, petting dogs, at an art museum, or simply being outside. Funny enough, for someone who started a delivery and pickup service, Vivian doesn’t even know how to drive but that doesn’t stop her. She is determined to make NYC a greener place to live.📍 Show Links:Groundcycle📚 Continue Learning:Read the article published in New York Times📍 Follow Practice Disrupted on Social:Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Pinterest | Twitter