066 Coffee Break: How to Pray for Someone Struggling to Find Their Calling

Praying Christian Women - A podcast by Praying Christian Women

Grab your free prayer journal at www.prayingchristianwomen.com/journal today! Do you know someone struggling to find their purpose in life, or calling from God? Join us today for a discussion about how you can pray for that person, as well as some practical ways to support your friend or loved one in their search for peace and purpose. Here are some topics and verses from the episode to supplement your prayer time: 1. Pray for your own heart and motives, for objectivity. 2. Isaiah 30:21: That the person you're praying for would hear God's voice above all others 3. Pray for them to know when to wait and when to move forward, and trust that God will redirect accordingly. 4. Jeremiah 29:13: For a heart that seeks after God. 5. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17: A spirit of prayer and thanksgiving is God's will and calling on any life. 6. Colossians 3:23: To recognize that what they are doing right now is part of their journey and calling. 7. 1 Corinthians 12: For others around them to recognize and point out their God-given gifts and talents to use in the kingdom.