335 How Does the Proverbs 31 Woman Accept a Compliment?
Praying Christian Women - A podcast by Praying Christian Women

Don't forget to grab your free scripture journal at https://prayingchristianwomen.kit.com/journal today! How do you receive compliments? You probably fall into one of three camps: acceptance with grace, deflection due to discomfort, or false humility. Understanding how we respond to praise from others can give us a window into how we view ourselves and even our relationship with God. This week’s deep dive into Proverbs 31 features the first part of the grand finale of this song praising the virtuous woman and celebrating womanhood. We expose some reasons why many of us struggle to accept compliments, talk about some practical exercises you can do to overcome the discomfort of praise, and as always, relate this passage to our prayer lives and relationship with God. We invite you to join us today!