Episode 10: Settling into the Late Epipalaeolithic

Pre History - the archaeology of the ancient Near East - A podcast by PreHistoryPodcast


Last time we looked at whether or not we could really think of the earlier Epipalaeolithic as being something distinctly different from the later Upper Palaeolithic. This week we look at the later Epipalaeolithic, which is definitely different from the Upper Palaeolithic and even pretty distinct from the earlier Epipalaeolithic. We look at the end of the ice age and the beginning of the Holocene, some animals which we domesticated - or which may have domesticated us - and how we settled down into the Holocene world of the Near East in the later Epipalaeolithic. If you have any questions or comments you can email me [email protected] or reach me on the website at prehistorypodcast.com.