Vermont Public Radio Interview: EP 23
Precious Little Sleep Parenting Podcast - A podcast by Alexis Dubief

A few months ago I finished my book, a 3.5 year effort of sweat, tears, and loneliness (writing is lonely business). But it was worth all the sweating and crying because now I am an author. When you are an author you get membership to secret underground writer clubs and everybody wants to be your friend because you are an author and are invited to all the best parties.
Ok I’m making that up. But it’s still pretty cool.
Being interviewed on Vermont Public Radio was on my “now I’m a new author” bucket list along with:
* Wear fitted tweet jacket with patches on elbows
* Learn to nod sagely with fingers templed on chin
* Be recognized in public by “hey didn’t you write that book?”
* Dance with Ellen
None of those things have happened (yet) but award-winning journalist and podcaster Jane Lindholm graciously invited me to join her on Vermont Edition. In the interview we talk a little bit about me (seriously who the heck am I and how did we get here?) before delving into reader/listener questions about consistency, nap battles, independent sleep, big kids waking up at night, boundaries, and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Jane graciously allowed me to share that interview here with you fine folks.