Episode 000 - Pregnancy After 40 - Introduction Episode

Pregnancy After 40 - A podcast by Michelle Johnson


When Host, Michelle Johnson, became pregnant at the age of 40, she immediately scoured the internet for pregnancy information for women her age, only to be inundated with daunting statistics and risks from medical professionals, individuals and articles. Not succumbing to all of the negative information, Michelle began a private Facebook Group to both give and receive encouragement to other women in the same situation. Since that time, Michelle gave birth to 2 sons, one at 41 and the other at 43, with a miscarriage in between. Having a daughter at the age of 25 from a prior relationship, Michelle brings her perspective of being a single parent, getting pregnant naturally and having 2 children after the age of 40. She also shares her experiences of miscarrying, having a subchorionic hemorrhage, acid reflux, gestational diabetes, swelling, fetal growth restriction (IUGR), being induced and other pregnancy after 40 issues during her pregnancies. She also talks about her journey from creating the Facebook Group, Website, Articles and now this Podcast. Tune in to this introduction episode to hear more about Michelle and the Pregnancy After 40 Podcast.