Episode 021 - Childbirth Educator and Founder of Birth Smarter for Expectant Moms of All Ages w/ Ashley Brichter

Pregnancy After 40 - A podcast by Michelle Johnson


Ashley Brichter, a certified childbirth educator, birth and postpartum doula, and lactation counselor is the founder of Birth Smarter, which provides relevant and inclusive education for expectant parents virtually across the world. With over a decade of experience supporting new parents, Ashley provides one-on-one support, group classes, lectures, and distance learning for the perinatal population and the professionals who serve them. After the birth of her first child in 2014, Ashley became driven to understand birth physiology on a deeper level. Better for it, she coined the 3-Actions of Physiological Birth, the core of Birth Smarter’s curriculum. Ashley shares her fresh perspective on pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting to individuals and groups. To hear more, tune in to this episode for Ashley’s childbirth advice and suggestions for expectant moms of all ages.Women's First presents the... "FERTILITY & PREGNANCY EXPO" on April 30, 2022! Pre-register today at www.pregnancyafterforty.com/expo to receive additional information, including news, speakers, sessions, and tickets directly to your inbox!For additional Pregnancy After 40 resources, visit www.PregnancyAfterForty.com and/or join our “Pregnancy After Forty Private Group” on FacebookTo contact Ashley and to learn more about her Childbirth Courses, visit: https://birthsmarter.com/