#46: Meta ban: Norwegian DPA taking Meta for a walk, with Tobias Judin

PrivacyPod - A podcast by Podcast Ensemble

In this awaited and exciting episode Milla and Pilvi are experiencing a true fangirl moment as they welcome Tobias Judin, the Head of International Department at the Norwegian Data Protection Authority, Datatilsynet. Accompanied by our new co-host Jyri they will dive into to discuss the Meta case on its rocky road with its legal basis for behavior based advertising. Norwegian DPA has not only talked the talk but it has also walked the walk: as Tobias states, they see that the GDPR has to be enforced now and that the GDPR does have tools to do that. We discuss, among other things, how has the Norwegian DPA become the renegade DPA that takes such firm action? What has the road been like from 2018 to the EAA wide ban? What does Tobias think about the newest Meta solution: consent or pay? We also touch upon subjects such as does transparency matter at all? How do you measure it? What about the IAB case and advertising funding journalism? Is the new “consent or pay” just Meta buying time and gaslighting? We also have a big scoop in the episode, which we recognize with “cool cool”. This and much more awaits you. Links: Datatilsynet 17.7.2023: “Midlertidig forbud mot adferdsbasert markedsføring på Facebook og Instagram” https://www.datatilsynet.no/aktuelt/aktuelle-nyheter-2023/midlertidig-forbud-mot-adferds basert-markedsforing-pa-facebook-og-instagram/ Datatilsynet 8.8.2023: “Meta-saken opp i Oslo tingrett” https://www.datatilsynet.no/aktuelt/aktuelle-nyheter-2023/tvangsmulkt-til-meta-hvis-forbu d-ikke-folges/ Datatilsynet 6.9.2023: “Datatilsynet vant mot Meta i Oslo tingrett” https://www.datatilsynet.no/aktuelt/aktuelle-nyheter-2023/datatilsynet-vant-i-oslo-tingrett/ Datatilsynet 25.10.2023: “Meta går til ny sak mot Datatilsynet” https://www.datatilsynet.no/aktuelt/aktuelle-nyheter-2023/meta-gar-til-ny-sak-mot-datatils ynet/          Datatilsynet 28.9.2023: “Meta-saken løftes til europeisk nivå” https://www.datatilsynet.no/aktuelt/aktuelle-nyheter-2023/meta-saken-loftes-til-europeisk- niva/ Datatilsynet 31.10.2023: “Datatilsynets vedtak mot Meta utvides til EU/EØS og gjøres permanent” https://www.datatilsynet.no/aktuelt/aktuelle-nyheter-2023/datatilsynets-vedtak-mot-meta- utvides-til-eueos-og-gjores-permanent/ EDPB 1.11.2023: “EDPB Urgent Binding Decision on processing of personal data for behavioural advertising by Meta” https://edpb.europa.eu/news/news/2023/edpb-urgent-binding-decision-processing-persona l-data-behavioural-advertising-meta_en Meta: “How Meta Uses Legal Bases for Processing Ads in the EU” https://about.fb.com/news/2023/01/how-meta-uses-legal-bases-for-processing-ads-in-the-eu/ TechCrunch 1.8.2023: “Meta says it will offer Europeans a free choice to deny tracking” https://techcrunch.com/2023/08/01/meta-says-yes-to-consent/ TechCrunch 3.10.2023: “Meta planning ad-free subscription or tracking ads ‘choice’ in EU, per WSJ — in latest bid to keep snooping” https://techcrunch.com/2023/10/03/meta-subscription-vs-consent/ Meta: “Facebook and Instagram to Offer Subscription for No Ads in Europe” https://about.fb.com/news/2023/10/facebook-and-instagram-to-offer-subscription-for-no-a ds-in-europe/              Case C‐252/21 Judgment: https://curia.europa.eu/juris/document/document.jsf?text=&docid=275125&pageIndex=0& doclang=EN&mode=req&dir=&occ=first&part=1 Case C‐252/21Press release: https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2023-07/cp230113en.pdf DPC Meta decisions January 2023: https://www.dataprotection.ie/en/news-media/data-protection-commission-announces-con clusion-two-inquiries-meta-ireland Did you enjoy our show? Support us by buying us a coffee here: https://bmc.link/privacypod4u We would love to get feedback – so please tag us, follow us, DM us, or send us traditional email: Twitter: https://twitter.com/PodPrivacy, #privacypod Instagram: @privacypod LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tietosuojapod/about/ Email: [email protected]