#62: Very mindful, very demure privacy summer
PrivacyPod - A podcast by Podcast Ensemble

See how we get back to podcasting after the brat summer? Very demure, very mindful. We are not like these other podcasts, we don’t come back for the new season with a half-planned episode, we don’t use chatGPT to make notes, we don’t record too long episodes where half of it is just giggling–we’re very mindful, very considerate, very cutesy. In today’s very considerate episode Jyri, Milla, and Pilvi walk you through the most interesting news from the summer, such as the mega fine of €13,9 million given by the the Czech Supervisory Authority to a cyber security company that shared data of 100 million data subjects to its subsidiaries in a not very mindful way. We also discuss the latest drama on the EU Commission’s Preliminary DMA Findings on Pay or Consent as well as Meta suing the EDPB that is very interesting, very cutesy. We also take a look at the secret collaboration between Meta and Google to target ads at 13–17-year-olds and have a discussion on what’s the harm in this? Is it really a problem or are we just trying to hold on to a world that is not realistic? We are not like these other privacy people–we don’t just gush about this–we explore different perspectives and play devil’s advocate. Very mindful, very considerate, very demure. These and much more in this episode where we do not try to play too much slightly off pitch on the hottest meme by the amazing @joolieannie , we’re very considerate, very funny, very cutesy, very mindful, and most certainly very demure. Did you enjoy our show? Support us by buying us a coffee here: https://bmc.link/privacypod4u We would love to get feedback – so please tag us, follow us, DM us, or send us traditional email: Twitter: https://twitter.com/PodPrivacy, #privacypod Instagram: @privacypod LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tietosuojapod/about/ Email: [email protected] Links: Big fine in Czech: https://www.edpb.europa.eu/news/news/2024/czech-sa-imposed-fine-139-million-eur-infringement-art-6-and-art-13-gdpr_en EU Commission and Pay or Consent: Commission sends preliminary findings to Meta over its “Pay or Consent” model for breach of the Digital Markets Act - European Commission (europa.eu) Meta and Google not very demure collaboration: https://www.ft.com/content/b3bb80f4-4e01-4ce6-8358-f4f8638790f8 NOYB annual report Annual_Report_2023_EN.pdf (noyb.eu) Scraping and OpenAI: Microsoft Word - 2024.08.02 FINAL OpenAI Complaint (2) (courtlistener.com) https://www.legaldive.com/news/nvidia-open-ai-face-youtube-creator-lawsuits-for-using-online-videos/724498/