Why The Best PMs Have Side Hustles w/ Clement Kao - Product Manager @Blend and Co-Founder of PMHQ
Lessons In Product Management - A podcast by Path2Product
On today's episode, I sat down with Clement Kao to discuss how the best PMs have side hustles
Here's what we discussed:
- Clement shared how he accidentally fell into product management with no experience, and his steep learning curve created the empathy for what he does now in his side projects
- Clement has published over 60 articles, read by over 200K PMs across the world, on PMHQ, the product manager community he helped co-found on Slack.
- There's a lot of passion behind Clement's drive to share knowledge and see other PMs and aspiring PMs benefit from his shared learnings.
- The power of communities and what the benefits are for joining and engaging in a PM community.
- Why learning from other people's experiences and sharing your own experiences with other helps to crystalize your knowledge and accelerates your growth.
- The tangible and subtle benefits of side hustles or extracirricular projects
- How to choose which communities to be part of and how to benefit most from communities
- Why having a side hustle, regardless of what it is, should be treated like we treat our products: iteratively
To find Clement's articles and join the PMHQ Community: https://www.productmanagerhq.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/clement-kao/
Clement's Book: https://www.amazon.com/Breaking-Into-Product-Management-Manager/dp/1670792714/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0 _encoding=UTF8&qid=1586443511&sr=8-1
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