Strategy, Innovation & leading in uncertain times with Rita McGrath | Productivity Mastery #156

Productivity Mastery - A podcast by Stoyan Yankov


In episode #156 we welcomed Rita McGrath, Professor at Columbia Business School.Listen to this episode and learn:💡How to spot and address early warnings?💡What are the 3 types of indicators we use to make (business) decisions? 💡How to look at strategy in 2023? 💡What is "intelligent failure" and how to apply it? 💡How to grow a culture of innovation and experimentation?About our guest:Rita McGrath is a best-selling author, a sought-after advisor and speaker, and a longtime professor at Columbia Business School. Rita is one of the world’s top experts on strategy and innovation and is consistently ranked among the top 10 management thinkers in the world, including the #1 award for strategy by Thinkers50.Rita’s work is focused on creating unique insights. She has also founded Valize a companion company, dedicated to turning those insights into actionable capability.McGrath’s recent book on strategic inflection points is Seeing Around Corners:How to Spot Inflection Points in Business Before They Happen (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2019). Rita is the author of four other books, including the best-selling The End of Competitive Advantage (Harvard Business Review Press, 2013).You can connect with Rita here:LinkedIn: rgmcgrath.Enjoy listening and #KeepPERFORMing!__________Website: