Pentateuch - Genesis 1-3

Professor Kozlowski Lectures - A podcast by Benjamin Kozlowski


Hooray! It's finally time to actually read and discuss the Bible! But only a little bit, since the first three chapters of Genesis apparently warrant an entire two-and-a-half-hour discussion all by themselves. Today Professor Kozlowski discusses the tensions between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2, the characteristics of God and His created universe, as emphasized and explored in these passages, as well as the manifold interpretations and struggles between these texts, other mythological traditions, and scientific teaching. Along the way he'll discuss many of the controversies and issues springing from these passages, many of which will become more prominent later in the series. Kind of a lot of pontificating for some two-and-a-half pages of Bible, but it is some of the most important and controversial writing ever put to paper. To see what else Professor Kozlowski is up to, visit his webpage: or contact him directly at [email protected]. And please consider contributing to Professor Kozlowski's Patreon at: - where you'll also be able to vote for and suggest new topics for future lectures.