Free Training: 3 Steps To Your Profitable Farm

Profitable Mindset - A podcast by Charlotte Smith


​>Free Training: 3 Steps to Your Profitable Farm<​ You’ve worked hard to figure out the farming side of things, growing flowers & vegetables and raising animals. But then, if you're like most farmers, you're overwhelmed trying to figure out how to find and keep customers who will pay your higher-than-grocery-store prices. Your website, if you even have one, isn't making you money. It's exhausting to constantly explain your prices (even if you're just in your head explaining them to yourself!). You might even resent that people don't value your hard work and your sacrifices to keep your prices low. Well, guess what? I will show you exactly how to find and reach customers who are happy to pay a premium for your product. And you’ll learn how to do it in ways that are inexpensive and simple. I’ve spent over ten years helping farmers build profitable farms, and I want to see you succeed. That’s why I’m inviting you to my free training - ​Click HERE for Three Steps to a Profitable Farm in 2024.​ You’ll learn: Where to find customers that are happy to pay a premium for your product How to figure out which of your customers is most likely to value your product and reach more customers just like them, and How to quickly build relationships with your customers in a way that primes them to buy from you And so much more! It’s all happening on January 15th at 10 AM Pacific/12 Noon CT/1 PM ET. Sign up below to get the link and access the limited-time replay. Click HERE to sign up for the webinar and get the Three Steps to a Profitable Farm. This is the same foundational process Beth used to go from $4,000 to $6,000 in sales last year. And the same foundational process Carole used to go from $200,000 in sales to $1,000,000 in a year. See you on January 15th! Sign up to get the replay even if you can't attend live. Here’s to a farm life you love! Cheers, Charlotte P.S. I love helping farmers sell out of their products. It’s one of my favorite things to do. So it really made my day when Elaine shared: “Thanks to the mindset and strategies I’ve learned from you, I SOLD OUT with ONE sales email, worked far less, and made 77% more revenue." It really is possible to sell more flowers, veggies, meat, and milk using the tips I’m sharing in this webinar. This IS the room to be in.