🥊 Mentorship Minute: Living Large

Profitable Python - A podcast by Ben McNeill


✅ Join Us In The Virtual Python Community ➡️➡️  https://virtualpythonmeetup.com Everyone sees the world through a different lens. This is called the paradigm that you operate in. A paradigm is the sunglasses you chose to wear when you look out into the world. what do you choose to wear? I chose the abundance lenses. I confidently believe we all can have what we want in life. That does not mean we will get it as fast as we want nor does it suggest our actions are aligned with what we are striving to achieve. If your actions do not align with your vision for abundance you are actually sitting on the sidelines of life watching people. It is not easy to maintain abundance mindset when things don’t go our way. We need to just remind ourselves when we start to see the bad in a situation remember how much we have to be thankful for. Some people go as far as maintaining a gratitude journal. If you manage to maintain an abundance mindset there are some major benefits that I think you will find very helpful to your journey. Lets say you are a entrepreneur looking for a place to start your McDonald's burger shop. If you had an abundance mindset you would probably look for another Burger shop to open your new location next to. Since you have the abundance mindset the competition would inspire you to get a piece of the pie. If your abundance mindset was lacking you would probably not place your shop there and potentially miss out on a lot of business. Let me tell you a personal story. At one moment in my life after I graduated from college I found major abundance with a new fortune 500 job. 10 months later I got wrapped up in a 2,000 person layoff due to a crash in the oil price. I had a terrible mindset that couldn’t see any abundance. What a roller coaster! I kicked and screamed about the situation and eventually decided to start a freelancing business from scratch. At one point I even accumulated over 100k revenue through the freelancing business and still I could not find abundance and that is because I chose to wear the crappy sunglasses. How insane is that? If I could have just seen how much abundance there was around me I would have had an even bigger business success and probably a lot faster. Even after choosing to not see abundance I was eventually forced to find it. My hard work paid off, I had a successful business and as a result I even got an amazing full time job offer. I tell you this story not to brag but to offer you some genuine insight on the impact of your world view and how it carries you through life. Thankfulness was forced upon me and I could not be happier. Now I choose to see abundance. Look at your niche. Is there a ton of competition? I see the competition as a good thing. That means there is money happening there and a growing opportunity. Our job is to maintain a perception of what is true and the truth is folks abundance is all around us. In order to find the abundance, our actions need to align with our desires. That is the key to getting what you want. Ask yourself, do you believe there is more abundance in the world than what you could consume in a lifetime? Do your actions align with your desires to go get that abundance? Answer those questions and if you don’t like the answer make the adjustments in your life to get back on track. Ben McNeill 💚https://profitablepython.fm👽 Ben McNeill is a personal brand coach for python software developers, practicing petroleum engineer, and podcast host of the Profitable Python show. His passion is solving problems with code 🐍, meeting amazing humans, and demonstrating leadership through self mastery. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/profitablepythonfm/message